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Who is Steve Budin



112-77-3 PAST 12 YEARS


25-12-2 since start of the 2023 Season

(- 19-8-3 last 30 Sundays -) 


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Sean Michaels, Matt Rivers, Gus Augustine,

Jeff Granger, Steve Budin

- and all Hockey Handicappers - 

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Steve Budin's Rating System

As explained above, my special releases come from various sources around the country. They could be from friends of mine out of New York or St. Louis that I am following closely at that moment. They could be from an oddsmaker offshore whose line is different than the global line. They could even be from a Vegas "streak bettor" whose opinion is running hot. What they won't be is a guess, or a shot in the dark based on nothing more than hope and a prayer!


I will be coming with special releases on those days when I feel I've got the right source at the right time. Now that source will not always be the same, but if I find a certain source that gets hot, I will ride them non-stop. Because of these mitigating factors, factors that can sway the size of my enthusiasm, it's imperative that I institute a strict rating system. Failing to do so would be suicidal to my clients. Plus, I wouldn’t be fully earning the premium I charge for my special releases if I didn’t hold your hand the entire process and extend you the complete service you deserve from me.


The maximum rating is called a 100 Dime “play”. This does not represent a specific dollar amount, just the highest rated selection I release.


The minimum rating is called a 10 dime “play”. This does not represent a specific dollar amount, just the lowest rated selection I release.


Adjust your strategies accordingly. Understand?

Who Is Steve Budin?

You could say I was born into this business; being the son of a legendary New York bookmaker it's not like the apple fell far from the tree. I had no use for flash cards as a child; parlay cards were my calling at an early age.

By the age of 16 I was already taking bets from classmates, their parents, and my teachers. After graduation I went to work for Caesar's Palace running high-roller gambling excursions to Vegas and Atlantic City.

In 1994, I had a vision that changed, re-shaped and created the sports gambling industry as we know it today. It was then I moved to Panama and opened the world's first international offshore sportsbook, SDB Global, which I eventually relocated to Costa Rica.

Yes, it was me who had the vision to give bettors a choice of dealing with a legitimate corporation taking their wagers via telephone rather than dealing with Joe Blow on the local corner. Call me the father of the modern offshore sports gambling industry. And for changing the way 99% of you reading this now place your bets, I had to deal with corrupt foreign government officials and shady so-called businessmen.

I became a self-made millionaire by the age of 30, but my reign as the offshore gambling world czar was ended courtesy of the United States government, who arrested me and forever changed the status of the entire offshore Industry from Grey to Black and White.

Why me? Because the U.S. wanted to take out the biggest fish in the industry. But like prohibition efforts in the 30's, their efforts were in vain because all they did was send 30,000 active bettors looking for other offshore sportsbooks. In fact, the week I was busted and forced to close, 25 new companies opened up offshore. How ironic, right?

Was I down? Certainly. Was I out? Never. Remember, I grew up in the gambling world. The Internet was just coming of age. I decided to hop to the other side of the fence and in partnership with Al DeMarco create and build, the Internet's largest pay-per-view sports handicapping conglomerate.

Enough about me; the book about my rise and fall in the sports gambling world, "Bets, Drugs, And Rock & Roll" is available at What you need to know for now is that no one in this industry can give you the perspective that I can when it comes to the handicapping and the sports information world.